Microneedling in Basingstoke & Southampton

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling, otherwise known as Collagen Induction Therapy or Skin Needling, is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a device with small, fine needles to create tiny punctures in the skin's surface. These micro-injuries stimulate the body's natural healing process, promoting collagen and elastin production. This helps improve skin concerns such as acne scars, wrinkles, uneven skin tone and helps rejuvenate the skin. To maximise results, a course of a minimum of 6 treatments is recommended, spaced 4-6 weeks apart. However single sessions can be accommodated aswell.

What are the benefits of microneedling?

Microneedling helps to improve and treat a range of conditions such as:

  • Uneven skin tone

  • Acne scars

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Wrinkles & fine lines

  • Stretch marks

  • Hair loss

  • Skin rejuvenation

  • Hypertrophic/ atropic scars

Microneedling Prices

1 Session 6 Sessions

Face £140 £99 £594 £495

Face & Neck £180 £119 £894 £595

Scalp (Hair Loss)* £140 £99 £594 £495

Body /Limbs £180 £119 £894 £595

*Reduced rate of £75 per scalp microneedling session when a full month of weekly sessions is paid upfront. (See below for information on the benefits of weekly microneedling sessions for hairloss).


What is a typical treatment?

Our VTCT level 4 trained clinician will prepare your skin for microneedling by using a range of ‘Clinicare’ products to maximise the benefits of treatment. Clinicare is one of the top professional skincare ranges, and we believe in only using the best products on our patients. Once the area is prepared for treatment, Hyaluronic Acid will applied which will then be infused into your epidermis/ dermis via microneedling. Once all areas have been treated, toner will be applied to help return you skins pH levels to their normal range. Moisturiser and then finally SPF will be applied to protect the skin from sun exposure, as it may be sensitive after treatment.

Appointments typically last 30-45 minutes. Please see our FAQs below for more information on skin microneedling.

microneedling scalp for hair loss regrowth

Microneedling & Minoxidil for Hair Loss

Hair loss will affect many of us throughout our lifetime. Androgenetic Alopecia, more commonly known as ‘male pattern hair loss’ or ‘female pattern hair loss’ affects 50% of men by the age of 50 years old, and 50% of women over the age of 65 years old. [1] This can be a very stresssful time for some people, which may make hair loss even worse. Recent research has been undertaken into the effectiveness of ‘Microneedling’ on the scalp to combat hair loss in men and women. The research has found that microneedling in combination with topical 5% ‘Minoxidil’ has shown fantastic results in hair regrowth in both men and women. [2] The research advises a treatment protocol of once weekly microneedling sessions on the scalp, using a 1.5mm needle [3]. The patient will then apply their own Minoxidil twice a day, which will have to be done indefinitely as when you stop treatment, hair loss is likely to return over time. Further advice will be given to patients on other methods of hair regrowth and maintenance.

If hair loss is causing you anxiety and stress, consider booking a consultation with us to discuss treatment options.


[1] https://www.alopecia.org.uk/androgenetic-alopecia-pattern-hair-loss

[2] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13555-021-00653-2

[3] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jocd.15263

Further learning: [4] https://hubermanlab.com/the-science-of-healthy-hair-hair-loss-and-how-to-regrow-hair/

Tried and tested by our Director…

before and after photo of hairline recovery

These before and after images are of our very own director, Jordan. He noticed his hairline was receding and decided to take action! He followed the latest guidance (see link #2 above for research article) on hair loss treatment, of weekly microneedling sessions alongside topical minoxidil and oral medication. Less than a year later, you can see for yourself the difference its made in the before and after images.

Catching hair loss early and taking action, gives you the best possible chance for the outcome you desire. Best results are seen by keeping consistent with this treatment. If you are suffering from hair loss and would like to discuss treatment options, book a consultation with us.


  • In the 24-48 hours leading up to your appointment, please refrain from using any harsh products on the area that is going to be treated. Avoid using facial scrubs, vitamin A & retinol creams, sun exposure, the use of self tanning products and anything that may cause irritation to the skin.

  • Microneedling treatments use different depths of needles depending on the what or where on the body is being treated. There are parts of treatments which may be uncomfortable but this really depends on the person. Many patients report feeling vibrations and a warmth to the surface of their skin during treatment.

  • A typical appointment lasts up to 45 minutes. This allows time for the clinician to do a skin consultation, to then prepare your skin for treatment and to provide aftercare to you. If you having more than one area treated this may be longer.

  • We recommend 6 microneedling sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

    If further sessions are required, a 2 month break shall be taken to allow the skin to recover, and then a course of 6 more treatments shall be started at 4-6 weeks intervals.

    This enables you to maximise your results.

  • After your appointment, you will likely have some redness to the area that was treated. After a week you may notice an improvement in the area that was treated, and it can take 4-6 weeks to see significant results. The more microneedling sessions you have, the more significant results you will see. This also depends on the needle depth used for treatment.

  • Everybody responds differently to microneedling.

    It is likely you will have erythema (redness) and some blood spotting after your appointment. Your skin may be sensitive and there may be mild swelling of the treated area. Your skin might feel dry and tight in the coming days, which is your bodies natural healing process happening.

  • Occassionally microneedling can draw blood but this depends on several factors such as the patients skin type, area being treated and depth of needle being used. If there is bleeding it will be minor.

  • The common area to get treated with microneedling is the face & neck. However most parts of the body can be treated such as the chest, abdomen, back, buttocks, legs, hands feet etc!

We currently do not take bookings for the following:

  • Under 18 year olds

  • Active skin infections/open wounds in the area being treated

  • Severe acne

  • Active skin cancer

  • Patients on chemotherapy

  • Patients with difficulty healing from wounds eg. unstable diabetes.

  • Patients with blood infections/ viruses

  • Pregnant

Book an appointment.

Choose which clinic you would like your Microneedling appointment in: